Source code for hedwig.testing.pytest_plugin

import pprint
from distutils.version import StrictVersion
from typing import Optional, Union, Generator
from unittest import mock

import pytest

__all__ = ['mock_hedwig_publish']

[docs]class HedwigPublishMock(mock.MagicMock): """ Custom mock class used by :meth:`hedwig.testing.pytest_plugin.mock_hedwig_publish` to mock the publisher. """ def _message_published(self, msg_type, data: Optional[dict], version: Union[str, StrictVersion]) -> bool: return any( msg.type == msg_type and (data is None or == data and msg.data_schema_version == version for (msg,), _ in self.call_args_list ) def _error_message(self) -> str: return pprint.pformat([(msg.type,, msg.data_schema_version) for (msg,), _ in self.call_args_list])
[docs] def assert_message_published( self, msg_type, data: Optional[dict] = None, version: Union[str, StrictVersion] = StrictVersion('1.0') ) -> None: """ Helper function to check if a Hedwig message with given type, data and schema version was sent. """ if not isinstance(version, StrictVersion): version = StrictVersion(version) assert self._message_published(msg_type, data, version), self._error_message()
[docs] def assert_message_not_published( self, msg_type, data: Optional[dict] = None, version: Union[str, StrictVersion] = StrictVersion('1.0') ) -> None: """ Helper function to check that a Hedwig message of given type, data and schema was NOT sent. """ if not isinstance(version, StrictVersion): version = StrictVersion(version) assert not self._message_published(msg_type, data, version), self._error_message()
[docs]@pytest.fixture() def mock_hedwig_publish() -> Generator[HedwigPublishMock, None, None]: """ A pytest fixture that mocks Hedwig publisher and lets you verify that your test publishes appropriate messages. """ from hedwig.publisher import publish with mock.patch( 'hedwig.publisher.publish', wraps=publish, new_callable=HedwigPublishMock ) as mock_publish, mock.patch('hedwig.publisher._publish_over_sns'): yield mock_publish