
Add appropriate configuration to the app. If not using a Django app, ensure that SETTINGS_MODULE is defined to the path of a module where all settings can be found.


AWS region

required; string


AWS account id

required; string


AWS access key

required; string


AWS connection timeout

optional; int; default: 2


AWS endpoint for SNS. This may be used to customized AWS endpoints to assist with testing, for example, using localstack.

optional; string


AWS endpoint for SQS. This may be used to customized AWS endpoints to assist with testing, for example, using localstack.

optional; string


AWS read timeout

optional; int; default: 2


AWS secret key

required; string


AWS session token that represents temporary credentials (for example, for Lambda apps)

optional; string


The validator class to use for schema validation. This class must be a sub-class of hedwig.validator.MessageValidator, and may add additional validation logic, based on pyjsonschema docs.

For example, to add a new format called vin, use this validator:

class CustomValidator(hedwig.validator.MessageValidator):
    # simplistic check: 17 alphanumeric characters except i, o, q
    _vin_re = re.compile("^[a-hj-npr-z0-9]{17}$")

    def check_vin(instance) -> bool:
        if not isinstance(instance, str):
            return True
        return bool(CustomValidator._vin_re.match(instance))

optional; fully-qualified class name


A function that may be used to inject custom headers into every message, for example, request id. This hook is called right before dispatch, and any headers that are explicitly specified when dispatching may override these headers.

If specified, it’s called with the following arguments:


where message is the outgoing Message object, and its expected to return a dict of strings.

It’s recommended that this function be declared with **kwargs so it doesn’t break on new versions of the library.

optional; fully-qualified function name


A dict of Hedwig callbacks, with values as callables or fully-qualified function names. The key is a tuple of message type and major version pattern of the schema.

required for consumers; dict[tuple[string, string], string]


A dict of Hedwig message types, with values as topic names. The key is a tuple of message type and major version pattern of the schema. An entry is required for every message type that the app wants to consumer or publish.

It’s recommended that major versions of a message be published on separate topics.

required; dict[tuple[string, string], string]


A function which can used to plug into the message processing pipeline before any processing happens. This hook may be used to perform initializations such as set up a global request id based on message headers. If specified, this will be called with the following arguments for SQS apps:


where sqs_queue_message is of type boto3.sqs.Message. And for Lambda apps as so:


where sns_record is a dict of a single record with format as described in lambda sns format.

It’s recommended that this function be declared with **kwargs so it doesn’t break on new versions of the library.

optional; fully-qualified function name


A function which can used to plug into the message processing pipeline after serializing from JSON succeeds. This hook may be used to modify the format over the wire. If specified, this will be called with the following arguments:


where message_data is of type dict.

It’s recommended that this function be declared with **kwargs so it doesn’t break on new versions of the library.

optional; fully-qualified function name


A function which can used to plug into the message processing pipeline before serializing to JSON. This hook may be used to modify the format over the wire. If specified, this will be called with the following arguments:


where message_data is of type dict.

It’s recommended that this function be declared with **kwargs so it doesn’t break on new versions of the library.

optional; fully-qualified function name


Name of the publisher

required for publishers; string


The name of the hedwig queue (exclude the HEDWIG- prefix).

required; string


The filepath to a JSON-Schema file representing the Hedwig schema. This json-schema must contain all messages under a top-level key schemas. Each message’s schema must include all valid versions for that message.

required; string; filepath


Flag indicating if Hedwig should work synchronously. If set to True a published message will be dispatched immediately using HEDWIG_CALLBACKS without calling any SQS APIs. This is similar to Celery’s Eager mode and is helpful for integration testing. It’s assumed that your service handles the message you’re dispatching in sync mode.

optional; bool; default False