Usage Guide =========== Callbacks +++++++++ Callbacks are simple python functions that accept a single argument of type ``hedwig.models.Message`` - .. code:: python def send_email(message: hedwig.models.Message) -> None: # send email You can access the data dict using ```` as well as custom headers using ``message.headers`` and other metadata fields as described in the API docs: :meth:`hedwig.models.Message`. Publisher +++++++++ You can run publish messages like so: .. code:: python"message.type", StrictVersion('1.0'), data).publish() If you want to include a custom headers with the message (for example, you can include a ``request_id`` field for cross-application tracing), you can pass in additional parameter ``headers``. Consumer ++++++++ A consumer for AWS SQS/Google PubSub based workers can be started as following: .. code:: python consumer.listen_for_messages() This is a blocking function. Don't use threads since this library is **NOT** guaranteed to be thread-safe. A consumer for Lambda based workers can be started as following: .. code:: python consumer.process_messages_for_lambda_consumer(lambda_event) where ``lambda_event`` is the event provided by AWS to your Lambda function as described in `lambda sns format`_. Schema ++++++ JSON-Schema ~~~~~~~~~~~ The schema file must be a JSON-Schema `draft v4`_ schema. There's a few more restrictions in addition to being a valid schema: - There must be a top-level key called ``schemas``. The value must be an object. - ``schemas``: The keys of this object must be message types. The value must be an object. - ``schemas/``: The keys of this object must be major version patterns for this message type. The value must be an object. - ``schemas//.*``: This object must represent the data schema for given message type, and major version. Any minor version updates must be applied in-place, and must be non-breaking per semantic versioning. Note that the schema file only contains definitions for major versions. This is by design since minor version MUST be backwards compatible. Optionally, a key ``x-versions`` may be used to list full versions under a major version. For an example, see `example jsonschema schema`_. Protobuf ~~~~~~~~ The proto file must be a proto3 schema and must be pre-compiled by the application. There's a few more restrictions in addition to being a valid schema: - ``V``: For every message type and every major version for that message type, a protobuf message with this name must be defined. - Every protobuf message must include options ``(hedwig.message_options).major_version`` and ``(hedwig.message_options).minor_version``. - Multiple protobuf files for organizing the schemas is fine, but the final compiled version must be present as a single python module. Note that the schema file only contains definitions for major versions. This is by design since minor version MUST be backwards compatible. For an example, see `example protobuf schema`_. Testing +++++++ Hedwig supports pytest by default and provides pytest testing utilities as part of the :mod:`hedwig.testing.pytest_plugin` module. .. _lambda sns format: .. _draft v4: .. _example jsonschema schema: .. _example protobuf schema: