Source code for hedwig.validators.jsonschema

import json
import re
import typing
from copy import deepcopy
from decimal import Decimal
from distutils.version import StrictVersion
from functools import lru_cache
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Tuple, Union, Optional
from uuid import UUID

import funcy
from funcy import cached_property
from jsonschema import SchemaError, RefResolutionError, FormatChecker
from jsonschema.validators import Draft4Validator

from hedwig.conf import settings
from hedwig.exceptions import ValidationError
from hedwig.validators.base import HedwigBaseValidator, MetaAttributes

def _json_default(obj):
    if isinstance(obj, Decimal):
        int_val = int(obj)
        if int_val == obj:
            return int_val
            return float(obj)
    elif isinstance(obj, UUID):
        return str(obj)
    raise TypeError

[docs]class JSONSchemaValidator(HedwigBaseValidator): checker = FormatChecker() """ FormatChecker that checks for `format` JSON-schema field. This may be customized by an app by overriding setting `HEDWIG_DATA_VALIDATOR_CLASS` and defining more format checkers. """ schema: dict """ The schema to validate data against - supplied by app """ # uuid separated by hyphens: _human_uuid_re = re.compile(r"^[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}$") _version_pattern_re = re.compile(r"^([0-9]+)\.\*$") _validator: Draft4Validator _container_validator: Draft4Validator FORMAT_VERSIONS = [StrictVersion('1.0')] ''' Here are the schema definitions: Version 1.0: { "format_version": "1.0", "schema": "", "id": "b1328174-a21c-43d3-b303-964dfcc76efc", "metadata": { "timestamp": 1460868253255, "publisher": "myapp", "headers": { ... } }, "data": { ... } } All the top-level fields (other than `metadata`) are required to be non-empty. `metadata` field is expected to be present, but may be empty. All fields in `metadata` are optional. `data` is validated using `schema`. ''' def __init__(self, schema: typing.Optional[dict] = None) -> None: # automatically load schema container_schema_filepath = Path(__file__).resolve().parent / 'jsonschema_container_schema.json' with open(container_schema_filepath) as f: container_schema = json.load(f) self._container_validator = Draft4Validator(container_schema) if schema is None: # automatically load schema schema_filepath = settings.HEDWIG_JSONSCHEMA_FILE with open(schema_filepath) as f: schema = json.load(f) self._check_schema(schema) self.schema = schema self._validator = Draft4Validator(schema, format_checker=self.checker) # schema encoding, eg: schema_fmt = f'{self.schema_root}#/schemas/{{message_type}}/{{message_version}}' schema_re = re.compile(r'([^/]+)/([^/]+)$') super().__init__( schema_fmt, schema_re, StrictVersion('1.0'), ) @cached_property def schema_root(self) -> str: return self.schema['id'] def _extract_data_helper( self, message_payload: Union[str, bytes], attributes: dict, use_transport_message_attributes: bool ) -> Tuple[MetaAttributes, dict]: assert isinstance(message_payload, str) try: payload = json.loads(message_payload) except ValueError: raise ValidationError('not a valid JSON') if not use_transport_message_attributes: errors = list(self._container_validator.iter_errors(payload)) if errors: raise ValidationError(errors) data = payload['data'] meta_attrs = MetaAttributes( payload['metadata']['timestamp'], payload['metadata']['publisher'], payload['metadata']['headers'], payload['id'], payload['schema'], payload['format_version'], ) else: data = payload meta_attrs = self._decode_meta_attributes(attributes) if meta_attrs.format_version != self._current_format_version: raise ValidationError(f"Invalid format version: {meta_attrs.format_version}") return meta_attrs, data def _extract_data( self, message_payload: Union[str, bytes], attributes: dict, use_transport_attributes: bool ) -> Tuple[MetaAttributes, dict]: return self._extract_data_helper( message_payload, attributes, use_transport_message_attributes=use_transport_attributes, ) def _extract_data_firehose(self, line: str) -> Tuple[MetaAttributes, dict]: return self._extract_data_helper(line, {}, use_transport_message_attributes=False) @lru_cache(maxsize=20) def _schema(self, message_type: str, major_version: int) -> dict: schema_ptr = self._schema_fmt.format(message_type=message_type, message_version=f"{major_version}.*") try: _, schema = self._validator.resolver.resolve(schema_ptr) except RefResolutionError: raise ValidationError(f'Definition not found in schema: {schema_ptr}') return schema def _verify_known_minor_version(self, message_type: str, full_version: StrictVersion): schema = self._schema(message_type, full_version.version[0]) schema_full_version = StrictVersion(schema["x-version"]) if schema_full_version.version[1] < full_version.version[1]: raise ValidationError( f'Unknown minor version: {full_version.version[1]}, last known minor version: ' f'{schema_full_version.version[1]}' ) def _decode_data( self, meta_attrs: MetaAttributes, message_type: str, full_version: StrictVersion, data: dict, ) -> dict: if not meta_attrs.schema.startswith(self.schema_root): raise ValidationError(f'message schema must start with "{self.schema_root}"') schema = self._schema(message_type, full_version.version[0]) errors = list(self._validator.iter_errors(data, schema)) if errors: raise ValidationError(errors) return data def _encode_data(self, data: dict) -> dict: assert isinstance(data, dict) # will get encoded in _encode_payload return data def _encode_payload_helper( self, meta_attrs: MetaAttributes, data: dict, use_transport_message_attributes: bool, ) -> Tuple[str, dict]: if not use_transport_message_attributes: payload = { 'format_version': str(self._current_format_version), 'schema': meta_attrs.schema, 'id':, 'metadata': { 'timestamp': meta_attrs.timestamp, 'publisher': meta_attrs.publisher, 'headers': meta_attrs.headers, }, 'data': data, } msg_attrs = deepcopy(meta_attrs.headers) else: payload = data msg_attrs = self._encode_meta_attributes(meta_attrs) return ( json.dumps(payload, default=_json_default, allow_nan=False, separators=(',', ':'), indent=None), msg_attrs, ) def _encode_payload( self, meta_attrs: MetaAttributes, data: dict, use_transport_attributes: bool ) -> Tuple[str, dict]: return self._encode_payload_helper(meta_attrs, data, use_transport_attributes) def _encode_payload_firehose( self, message_type: str, version: StrictVersion, meta_attrs: MetaAttributes, data: dict ) -> str: return self._encode_payload_helper(meta_attrs, data, use_transport_message_attributes=False)[0] @classmethod def _check_schema(cls, schema: dict) -> None: msg_types_found = {k: False for k in funcy.chain(settings.HEDWIG_MESSAGE_ROUTING, settings.HEDWIG_CALLBACKS)} # custom validation for Hedwig - TODO ideally should just be represented in json-schema file as meta schema, # however jsonschema lib doesn't support draft 06 which is what's really required here errors = [] if not schema.get('schemas'): errors.append("Invalid schema file: expected key 'schemas' with non-empty value") else: for msg_type, versions in schema['schemas'].items(): if not isinstance(versions, dict) or not versions: errors.append(f"Invalid definition for: '{msg_type}', value must contain a dict of valid versions") continue for version_pattern, definition in versions.items(): m = cls._version_pattern_re.match(version_pattern) major_version: Optional[int] if not m: errors.append(f"Invalid version '{version_pattern}' for: '{msg_type}'") major_version = None else: major_version = int( if (msg_type, version_pattern) in msg_types_found: msg_types_found[(msg_type, version_pattern)] = True if not isinstance(definition, dict) and not definition: errors.append(f"Invalid schema for: '{msg_type}' '{version_pattern}'") continue if 'x-version' not in definition: errors.append(f"Invalid schema for: '{msg_type}' '{version_pattern}': missing x-version") continue try: full_version = StrictVersion(definition['x-version']) if major_version and full_version.version[0] != major_version: errors.append( f"Invalid full version: '{full_version}' for: '{msg_type}' '{version_pattern}'" ) except ValueError: errors.append( f"Invalid full version: '{definition['x-version']}' for: '{msg_type}' " f"'{version_pattern}'" ) for (msg_type, version_pattern), found in msg_types_found.items(): if not found: errors.append(f"Schema not found for '{msg_type}' v{version_pattern}") if errors: raise SchemaError(str(errors)) @staticmethod @FormatChecker.cls_checks('human-uuid') def _check_human_uuid(instance): if not isinstance(instance, str): return False return bool(JSONSchemaValidator._human_uuid_re.match(instance))